I'm Brett Slatkin and this is where I write about programming and related topics. You can contact me here or view my projects.
28 March 2010
LedeLog, a side-project of mine and my small foray into productivity software, is a note-taking app for journalists and researchers. It's now available to all Google Apps users via the new Marketplace. It has rough edges (read: I'm an infrastructure engineer), but users like it. More on how I built it later. Let me know what you think~

I'm the author of the book
Effective Python. I'm a software engineer at Google (currently in the Office of the CTO) where I've worked for the past 19 years. Follow @haxor on Twitter
if you'd like to read posts from me in the future. You can also
email me here.
© 2009-2024 Brett Slatkin