"With two inputs, a neuron can classify the data points in two-dimensional space into two kinds with a straight line. If you have three inputs, a neuron can classify data points in three-dimensional space into two parts with a flat plane, and so on. This is called 'dividing n-dimensional space with a hyperplane.'"
— Understanding neural networks with TensorFlow Playground
"We were looking to make usage of Kafka and Python together just as fast as using Kafka from a JVM language. That’s what led us to develop the pykafka.rdkafka module. This is a Python C extension module that wraps the highly performant librdkafka client library written by Magnus Edenhill."
— PyKafka: Fast, Pythonic Kafka, at Last!
"To satisfy this claim, we need to see a complete set of statically checkable rules and a plausible argument that a program adhering to these rules cannot exhibit memory safety bugs. Notably, languages that offer memory safety are not just claiming you can write safe programs in the language, nor that there is a static checker that finds most memory safety bugs; they are claiming that code written in that language (or the safe subset thereof) cannot exhibit memory safety bugs."
— "Safe C++ Subset" Is Vapourware
"For each mutant the tool runs the unit test suite; and if that suite fails, the mutant is said to have been killed. That's a good thing. If, on the other hand, a mutant passes the test suite, it is said to have survived. This is a bad thing."
— Mutation Testing
"This meant that literally everything was asynchronous: all file and network IO, all message passing, and any “synchronization” activities like rendezvousing with other asynchronous work. The resulting system was highly concurrent, responsive to user input, and scaled like the dickens. But as you can imagine, it also came with some fascinating challenges."
— Asynchronous Everything
I'm Brett Slatkin and this is where I write about programming and related topics. You can contact me here or view my projects.
06 August 2016
I'm the author of the book
Effective Python. I'm a software engineer at Google (currently in the Office of the CTO) where I've worked for the past 18 years. Follow @haxor on Twitter
if you'd like to read posts from me in the future. You can also
email me here.
© 2009-2024 Brett Slatkin